Engage allows you to set a default voicemail, as well as to create different voicemails for each of your phone lines.
Default Voicemail
This section allows you to set a default voicemail for all Engage phone lines. Here, you can record your voicemail greeting, or type your message to be read using text to speech. Simply select Text to Speech or Audio Recording based on your preference. Make sure to press Save after making changes.
Phone Line Settings
To specify a voicemail for individual phone lines, select Phone Numbers, then click on the phone line where you'd like to make changes.
Default Voicemail
Default Voicemail will use the default voicemail set up under Voicemail Settings as the voicemail for this line.
Text to Speech
Text to Speech will create a voicemail message that plays for this phone line based on the text you enter.
Audio Recording
Audio Recording allows you to set a custom voicemail greeting. Record or upload an audio sample under the Audio Samples tab, then select the applicable sample here to use it as the voicemail for this phone line.
Regardless of the voicemail type you choose, be sure to press Save before navigating away from the page.
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