Use the Invoices tab to create reports based on invoice data including due date, invoice creator, profit margin, and more. Some common invoice reports include overdue invoices and commission by team member.
Create an Invoice Report
Date Range
Begin by selecting date type you'd like to use to generate the report.
Created Date: When the invoice was created
Invoiced Date: When the invoice was sent to the customer
Due Date: When the invoice was due
First Payment Date: When the customer made their first payment on the invoice
Last Payment Date: When the customer made their last payment on the invoice
Then, select the start date range for which you’d like to report on. Click on the calendar icon to select a date range and click Load Data.
Today: From 12:00 AM to the current time
Yesterday: Previous day from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM
This Week: From Monday through Sunday of the current week
Last Week: Previous week
Last 7 Days: Previous seven days, including today
This Month: From the first of the current month to the current day
Last Month: Entire month before the current month
Last 30 Days: Previous 30 days, including today
Custom: Use the calendar to select start and end dates
Select the columns to include in your report by clicking Columns. The invoice report includes these columns by default:
#ID: Invoice number
Status: Invoice status
Customer: Customer linked to the invoice
Invoice Title: Invoice title
Parent Job: Job linked to the invoice
Related Estimates: Record numbers for estimates linked to the invoice
Pre-Tax Subtotal: Total dollar amount on invoice before tax
Invoice Total: Total dollar amount on invoice
Cost Basis: Total costs associated with the invoice
Profit Margin: Invoice profit in dollars
Profit Margin Percentage: Invoice profit margin percentage
Amount Paid: Dollar amount paid on invoice
Amount Due: Dollar amount outstanding on invoice
Invoiced Date: Date and time the invoice was sent to the customer
Due Date: Date and time the invoice is due
Created Date: Date and time the invoice was created
Invoice Notes: Notes on invoice
Internal Notes: Internal notes on invoice
Tags: Tags on invoice
Tax Rate: Tax rate percentage on invoice
Tax: Dollar amount of tax on invoice
Invoice Creator: Author of the invoice
Commission Method: Method for commission on invoice
Commission %: Commission rate percentage
Commission: Dollar amount of commission on invoice
First Payment Date: Date of first customer payment on invoice
Last Payment Date: Date of last customer payment on invoice
Related Project: Project linked to the invoice
Location: Service location on the invoice
Custom Fields: User-created fields related to the invoice
Custom Fields: User-created fields related to the customer record
Customer Phone: Customer’s primary phone number
Customer Email: Customer’s primary email address
Customer Phone 2: Customer’s secondary phone number
Customer Email 2: Customer’s secondary email address
Customer Assigned To: User assigned to customer record
Customer Lead Source: Lead source on the customer record
Customer Pipeline Status: Customer’s custom sales pipeline status
Customer Next Steps: Next steps listed on custom sales pipeline
Customer Notes: Notes on customer record
Customer Job Notes: Job notes on customer record (automatically inserted onto job records)
Customer Created Date: Date and time the customer was added to FieldPulse
Customer Tags: Tags attached to the customer record
Custom Fields: User-created fields related to the job record
Status: Status of linked job
Notes: Notes on job record
Field Notes: Notes left by assigned user(s) on the job
Tags: Tags attached to the job record
Assigned Team Members: Users assigned to the job
Before running the report, set filters to narrow your results. From the Filters icon, select how you want to filter the report:
#ID: filter by contents
Status: select status
Customer: filter by contents
Invoice Title: filter by contents
Parent Job: filter by contents
Parent Job Status: filter by contents
Related Estimates: filter by contents
Invoice Total: filter by contents
Pre-Tax Subtotal: filter by contents
Cost Basis: filter by contents
Profit Margin: filter by contents
Profit Margin Percentage: filter by contents
Amount Paid: filter by contents
Amount Due: filter by contents
Invoiced Date: filter by date
Due Date: filter by date
Created Date: filter by date
Invoice Notes: filter by contents
Internal Notes: filter by contents
Tags: select tag
Tax Rate: filter by contents
Tax: filter by contents
Invoice Creator: filter by contents
Commission Method: select method
Commission %: filter by contents
Commission: filter by contents
First Payment Date: filter by date
Last Payment Date: filter by date
Related Project: select project
Related Project Status: select status
Location: filter by contents
Custom Fields: select custom field
Customer Phone: select phone number
Customer Email: select email address
Customer Phone 2: select phone number
Customer Email 2: select email address
Customer Assigned To: filter by contents
Customer Lead Source: select lead source
Customer Pipeline Status: select status
Customer Next Steps: filter by contents
Customer Notes: filter by contents
Customer Job Notes: filter by contents
Customer Created Date: filter by contents
Customer Tags: filter by contents
Status: select status
Notes: filter by contents
Field Notes: filter by contents
Tags: filter by contents
Assigned Team Members: filter by contents
When filtering by contents, you will need to choose an operator and then enter values to filter the data. Use the table below to learn more about each operator.
Operator | Retrieves Data | Example | Data Retrieved |
Equals | Equal to a specified value | Created By - Equals Tom Gause | For all records created by Tom Gause only |
Not Equal | Different from a specified value | Tag - Not Equal to HVAC | For all records except those using the HVAC tag |
Less Than | Lower than a specified value | #ID - Less than 1144 | For all records below #1144 |
Less Than or Equal To | Lower than or equal to a specified value | Job Date/Time - Less than or equal to 12/13/2023 | For jobs scheduled before or on 12/13/2023 |
Greater Than | Greater than a specified value | Job Duration - Greater than 60 minutes | For jobs in the In Progress status type for over 60 minutes |
Greater Than or Equal To | Greater than or equal to a specified value | Job Date/Time - Greater than or equal to 1/1/2024 | For jobs scheduled on or after 1/1/2024 |
In Range | Including and between two specified values | #ID - Between 1225 and 1236 | For all estimate records with #IDs between 1225 and 1236 |
Starts With | Begins with a specified value | Title - Annual | For all job records beginning with Annual |
Ends With | Ends with a specified value | Location - TX | For all job locations ending with TX |
Blank | No values are in the field | Subtitle | For all job records with blank subtitles |
Not Blank | Values in the field | Notes | For all job records with values in the notes field |
Common Invoice Reports
Overdue Invoices
Use this report to view all overdue invoices.
Columns: Customize to your needs, but must include Status and Due Date
Filters: Status = Partially Paid or Invoiced, and Due Date = Overdue
Commission by Team Member
Use this report to view how much commission you need to pay each team member.
Columns: Customize to your needs, but must include Invoice Creator and Commission. (Note: We recommend to also include Commission Method and Commission %.)
Filters: Status = Invoiced or Paid (Note: this will depend on when you pay commission in your sales process)
Group by: Invoice Creator
Invoice Cost Basis & Profit Margin
Use this report to better understand your cost basis and profit margin. Take the report to the next level by pulling the same report with estimates and comparing your predicted vs. actual cost basis and profit margin.
Columns: Customize to your needs, but must include Cost Basis and Profit Margin.
Filters: Status = Invoiced or Paid
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