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Custom Fields on Customer Records
Custom Fields on Customer Records
Updated over a month ago

You can create custom fields for your customer records to store and display any data you wish. With the ability to set the order of your custom fields and add different visibility permissions by role, you can control how your custom fields are displayed to your team members.

Adding a New Custom Field

To create a custom field, navigate to Company Settings, click on Customers and then the Custom Fields tab.

Click on Custom Fields

On the Custom Fields page, click Create New.

In the pop-up window, add the custom field name and select which roles should be able to view the field. Cascade to Related Record will allow you to select additional FieldPulse records where you'd like the information recorded in this custom field to appear.

Click on Add Custom Field…

You can also adjust the type of custom field displayed: Free Text, Number, Date, Drop-down, or Checkbox. When you're done, be sure to press Save.

Click on Free Text…

If using the drop-down option, be sure to create/edit the drop-down options before saving the custom field.

Click on Empty

Next time you create a new customer, you'll see your new custom field under Additional Fields. (Note: A full re-sync (sometimes requires log out and log in) is required on your mobile apps to see newly created custom fields.)

Video Tutorial

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