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Custom Forms
Updated over a week ago

Enabling Custom Forms

To begin using Custom Forms, you'll first need to enable it. Start by clicking on Company Settings and selecting Features & Plugins. Navigate to Custom Forms and select Enable. Now you're ready to begin customizing forms to streamline your operations!

Click on Features & Plugins

Building Custom Forms

Once you've enabled Custom Forms, you're ready to start creating your own. Navigate to Company Settings and select Custom Forms from the top menu.

To create your first form, select Create New.

To begin, give your form a name.

Click on Form Name *

Now, you'll want to select which roles should be able to view your forms (Form Visibility by Role), as well as which roles should be able to create and edit custom forms (Form Editability by Role).

Connect Forms To: This field allows you to customize which records can include this form. For example, you may only want some forms to be attached to customer records, while others may be useful solely for jobs and projects.

Enable Status Field: Toggling this one will attach a status to the form records that allows you to change the status of the form. (Statuses include New, In Progress, Pending, Completed, and Canceled)

Once these permissions are set to your liking, begin entering the first field for your custom form in Field 1 Label. To add additional fields, select Add New Field. Once you have completed your custom form, select Save.

Click on add…

Attaching Custom Forms

To attach a custom form, begin by entering the record where you want to attach the form. This may be a customer, job, invoice, etc. Select Forms from the top menu.

Click on Forms

Next, click Create New.

Click on add…

You will now see a list of your custom forms, and you can choose which form to attach.

Click on Standard Form

You'll now see a preview of the form you selected. Be sure to press Save.

Click on Save

Now that you've attached a custom form, you'll be taken to a custom form record. From here, select Form Actions to generate a PDF of your form, generate and send your form as a PDF, or attach a file/photo to your form record.

Custom Forms - Mobile App

To attach a custom form, begin by entering the record where you want to attach the form. This may be a customer, job, invoice, etc.

For this example, we will use a job record. Once in the job record, click Forms in the header and then click Create New.

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In the window that pops up, select which form you'd like to add to the job.

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Then enter the pertinent information into the form, change the status of the form as needed, and press 'Save'.

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You'll see the completed form show up in the forms list on your job record. You can generate a PDF, email, or edit it by selecting Actions.

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Video Tutorial

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