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Inventory Count Reports
Updated over a week ago

Use the Invoices > Inventory Count tab to create reports based on inventory count data including last count/expected count, last count value/expected value, last count date/time, and more.

Create an Inventory Count Report

Date Range

Begin by selecting the type of inventory items you'd like to use to generate the report. You can select regular and serialized inventory items, or report on the inventory count for regular or serialized inventory alone.

Then, select the start date range for which you’d like to report on. Click on the calendar icon to select a date range and click Load Data.

  • Today: From 12:00 AM to the current time

  • Yesterday: Previous day from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM

  • This Week: From Monday through Sunday of the current week

  • Last Week: Previous week

  • Last 7 Days: Previous seven days, including today

  • This Month: From the first of the current month to the current day

  • Last Month: Entire month before the current month

  • Last 30 Days: Previous 30 days, including today

  • Custom: Use the calendar to select start and end dates


Click on Columns

Select the columns to include in your report by clicking Columns. The inventory count report includes these columns by default:

  • Item Name: Line item name

  • Item Description: Line item description

  • SKU/ID#: Item #/SKU

  • Unit Cost: Unit cost

  • Unit Price: Unit price

  • Hub: Location of item

  • Last Count: Actual quantity of inventory item

  • Last Count Expected Quantity: Expected quantity of inventory item

  • Last Count Variance: Difference in expected quantity and actual quantity

  • Last Count Value: Total dollar amount of inventory counted

  • Last Count Expected Value: Expected total dollar amount of inventory

  • Last Count Value Variance: Difference in expected value and actual value

  • Last Count Date/Time: Date and time of the last inventory count

  • Changed By: User who changed the inventory count

  • Serial Number: Serial number

  • UPC: UPC/barcode


Click on Filters

Before running the report, set filters to narrow your results. From the Filters icon, select how you want to filter the report:

  • Item Name: filter by contents

  • Item Description: filter by contents

  • SKU/ID#: filter by contents

  • Hub: select hub

  • Last Count Date/Time: filter by date

  • Changed By: filter by contents

  • Serial Number: filter by contents

When filtering by contents, you will need to choose an operator and then enter values to filter the data. Use the table below to learn more about each operator.


Retrieves Data


Data Retrieved


Equal to a specified value

Created By - Equals Tom Gause

For all records created by Tom Gause only

Not Equal

Different from a specified value

Tag - Not Equal to HVAC

For all records except those using the HVAC tag

Less Than

Lower than a specified value

#ID - Less than 1144

For all records below #1144

Less Than or Equal To

Lower than or equal to a specified value

Job Date/Time - Less than or equal to 12/13/2023

For jobs scheduled before or on 12/13/2023

Greater Than

Greater than a specified value

Job Duration - Greater than 60 minutes

For jobs in the In Progress status type for over 60 minutes

Greater Than or Equal To

Greater than or equal to a specified value

Job Date/Time - Greater than or equal to 1/1/2024

For jobs scheduled on or after 1/1/2024

In Range

Including and between two specified values

#ID - Between 1225 and 1236

For all estimate records with #IDs between 1225 and 1236

Starts With

Begins with a specified value

Title - Annual

For all job records beginning with Annual

Ends With

Ends with a specified value

Location - TX

For all job locations ending with TX


No values are in the field


For all job records with blank subtitles

Not Blank

Values in the field


For all job records with values in the notes field

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