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Reece (US)
Updated over a month ago

Integration Live for Beta Users

This integration is currently open exclusively for beta companies. If you're eager to use the Reece US integration, please reach out to Kyle in our Partnerships Department to request beta access. Contact Kyle at

Ready to integrate Reece with your FieldPulse account? To get started, reach out to us via or use the chat in bottom right corner of your screen. Let us know you'd like to enable the Reece integration, and provide the following details:

  • Reece Customer ID

  • Reece Ship-to Address

  • Company Name (as it is written when you registered with Reece)

Integration Benefits

Reece Purchase Orders

Within FieldPulse, you can create new purchase orders and send them to your chosen Reece branch, eliminating the need for manual transfers. Additionally, this integration empowers you to effortlessly transform your FieldPulse estimates into Reece purchase orders to save time and minimize the potential for errors.

Simplified Estimates and Invoices

Building estimates and invoices becomes a breeze. This integration introduces the option to add items via a dedicated tab to search the Reece store without ever having to leave FieldPulse.

Item Search

To add a Reece line item to an estimate, invoice, or purchase order, navigate to your desired record. Click Add Item and select the Reece US tab on the left-side menu. Start typing to pull up a list of all Reece parts matching your search. When you find the part you're looking for, click on it and adjust the quantity as needed. Once you have added a line item you can repeat the process for any additional items you want to add.

Click on Reece

Purchase Orders

Generate a Reece purchase order and submit it without having to leave FieldPulse! Before continuing, be sure you have the Reece integration set up, as well as purchase orders enabled.

Begin by creating a new purchase order. Click in the Supplier search box and look for Reece in the dropdown menu. Once you've found Reece, click Select Supplier. Enter the vendor order number in the search box, select Delivery, and enter the delivery address. (Note: Pickup is not available with the Reece US integration at this time.)

Click on Supplier *…

Now you can begin adding items to the purchase order! Click in the item search bar and start typing to pull up a list of all Reece parts matching your search. When you find the part you're looking for, click Add Item. Once you have added a line item you can repeat the process for any additional items you want to add to your PO. Don't forget to set the quantity of each item.

Click on  …

Complete the remainder of the purchase order, then press Save. When you're ready to order, submit the order. Once the items have been processed, this order will show up in your Reece account.

Click on save…

Order Processing

The loading wheel remains active while FieldPulse sends the item details and related information to the supplier for verification of stock, validity, and price.

Order Placed

FieldPulse has verified the item details and successfully placed your order.

Failed Checks

FieldPulse has the ability to identify errors with items on the purchase order and will notify you of these. In the example below, you can see some of the items are either out of stock, invalid/unavailable, and/or the price has changed. You can correct the errors before resubmitting the purchase order. This can be done quickly by using the options at the top of the pop up window. Here you can select Update All Prices, Remove All Unavailable Items, and/or Remove All Out of Stock Items.

Integration Walkthrough - Version 1 Beta

Not a Reece customer yet? Sign up today! Click here to get started.

Have additional questions?

Contact us at or use the chat feature in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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