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The Granite Group
Updated over 5 months ago

With our Granite Group integration you can get the most up to date material pricing all within FieldPulse.

(Note: This integration is currently available in a beta version. Please reach out to us via or use the chat in bottom right corner of your screen to join the beta test.)

Have feedback on the beta integration? Chat with us to share your thoughts!


Ready to integrate The Granite Group with your FieldPulse account? To get started, reach out to us via or use the chat in bottom right corner of your screen. Let us know you'd like to enable the integration, and provide your Granite Group account number, ship-to address, and company name. Your integration will be activated once your details are verified, in approximately 2 business days.

Find your account number here:

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Estimates & Invoices

To add a Granite Group line item to an estimate or invoice, navigate to your desired record. Click Granite Group to open the catalog and select the line items you need.

Click on Granite Group

Begin by clicking Products, then selecting the necessary category.

Click on Appliance Accessories

When you find the part you're looking for, adjust the quantity as needed and press Add to Cart. Once you have selected a line item, you can repeat the process for any additional items you want to add.

Click on Add to Cart

When you're ready to return to the estimate or invoice, proceed to checkout in the Granite Group catalog by clicking on the shopping cart icon.

Click on 2

Confirm your selections by clicking Checkout.

Click on Checkout

You'll then be prompted to select to add the Granite Group line items as a grouping or individually. A grouping will place the items together under a header, as well as allow you to customize the visibility of the individual items and/or their pricing for your customers.

Click on Add Granite Group Cart Items Individually

You'll now see your Granite Group line items added to your estimate or invoice!

Click on Title…

Purchase Orders

To place purchase orders with The Granite Group through FieldPulse, you will need to enable purchase orders in your FieldPulse account. To learn more, visit the Purchase Orders article.

From an Estimate or Invoice

The easiest way to create a purchase order for The Granite Group is to go directly from an estimate or invoice record. Navigate to the estimate or invoice you'd like to create a purchase order from and select Order from the top menu.

Click on Orders

This feature creates draft purchase orders for each supplier on an estimate or invoice. Click on the draft purchase order for The Granite Group, which will include all Granite Group line items on the estimate or invoice. (Note: You can adjust the line items on the purchase order as needed before sending the order to The Granite Group.)

Click on #0000

From Scratch

Begin your purchase order by selecting The Granite Group as the supplier. This will only allow you to add items from The Granite Group to this order.

Click on Supplier *

When selecting delivery or pickup, please note that you will be able to enter an address (delivery) or select from a list of The Granite Group Branches (pickup).

Click Granite Group to open the catalog and select the line items you need. Follow the steps detailed above under Estimates & Invoices to add line items to your purchase order.

Click on Granite Group

Once you've added your line items, save your purchase order.

Click on save…

Then, click Order to send the purchase order to The Granite Group.

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If you need to check your order status, change, or cancel your order, contact your local Granite Group branch or use their contact form. (Note: If you have been using purchase orders, be sure not to select the supplier you created and named Granite Group)

Please Note:

When sending purchase orders from FieldPulse to The Granite Group, item prices at the time of adding them to your order are not guaranteed. The Granite Group will charge the current price at the moment you select 'Order' in FieldPulse. This is important to keep in mind for accurate job costing. While price fluctuations are typically minor, they can still affect your calculations.

We’re actively exploring enhancements for the next version of our integration with The Granite Group. These improvements may include pre-order price checks, ensuring that your purchase orders reflect accurate, up-to-date pricing for more precise job and project costing.

Video Tutorial

Have additional questions?

Contact us at or use the chat feature in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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