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Recurring Jobs

Save time when you have multiple visits to one customer with recurring jobs

Updated over a month ago

With our recurring jobs feature, you can create a job once, and then set it to re-occur on a regular basis at an interval you choose.

Creating a Recurring Job

Navigate to the Jobs tab in the left-side menu, then select Recurring from the top menu. On this page, you can view and edit existing recurring jobs or create new recurring jobs.

Click on Create Recurring Job

Another way to create a recurring job is to select Jobs from the left-side menu, then Create Job.

Click on Create Job

Instead of entering your job details as normal, select Create Recurring Job.

Now, you'll need to link a customer to the job record. You can select an existing customer, or create a new customer. The location and contact will auto-populate based on the customer you link. Enter a title for the job that describes the work to be performed.

Click on General…

You can now set the job frequency. Set a first occurrence and start time for this job. If you want this recurring job to have no end point and repeat ongoing, select 'No End Date'. Otherwise, set the date and time of the last occurrence.

Click on General…

Next, select team members to assign to the job (which can be changed for future occurrences) and add job tags and notes as needed. Press Save when you've entered all pertinent information.

Click on Tags…

Your recurring job will now be added to your schedule and listed under Jobs. If you'd like to learn how to attach recurring billing to your recurring job, visit the Recurring Billing article.

Click on Lawn Care…

Video Tutorial

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