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Customer Communications - Mobile App
Customer Communications - Mobile App
Updated over a month ago

User Profile Photo Messages

Let your customers know who to expect! You can send the assigned user's profile photo along with a customer communication SMS in the FieldPulse mobile app. This is available when sending SMS via your native phone, and can't be used with automatic communication triggers at this time.

When on the Customer record, select the green Actions button.

After selecting the green Actions button, locate where it says Send Customer Communication.

Select Send Customer Communication, then select the SMS template you'd like to send. Select Include Profile Photo, then click Send from Phone.

Trip Tracking Messages

Did you know you can send a text to your customers when you're on the way, sharing your real time vehicle location and ETA?

To send a location tracking text, begin by clicking on the job you're heading to.

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Once on the job record, select Actions.

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Now, click on Send Customer Communication.

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To send a location tracking and ETA message, select SMS then Send Trip Tracking SMS to Customer.

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If this is your first time sending a trip tracking message, you'll be able to create and save a default trip tracking message. When you're satisfied with the message, press Save.

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You may receive a message regarding your location sharing settings like this one. FieldPulse needs to have access to your location in order to accurately share trip tracking information with your customer. Navigate to your device's settings in order to enable location services.

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You can now adjust the time estimate provided to your customer, as well as take a look at the message again before sending.

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You will be prompted to send the text from the FieldPulse app or from your device's messaging system. Note that choosing your device's messaging system will send the text from your phone number.

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Customer Experience

Example trip tracking text:

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Example trip tracking map:

Video Tutorial

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