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August 2024
Updated over a week ago

Internal Activity Enhancements

Users can now see more details about who made changes and what the changes were on estimates and invoices. You can now see the following details:

  • QuickBooks Logs

  • Created invoice/estimate

  • Updated product quantity or price

  • Added/removed products

  • Updated contract, files, or payments

  • Status changes

  • Internal notes

  • Assigned user

  • Due date

Pin Comments in the Web App

Comments can now be pinned on jobs, estimates, and invoices in the web app. Easily view comments from your team on the Info page of each record, complete with timestamps and notifications when you're mentioned using @[Insert Your Name].

Move Files from Customers to Jobs

You can now easily move files from a customer record to a job record on the FieldPulse web app! Select from Duplicate & Transfer Files or Move Files Only. We recommended selecting Move Files Only, given that any files on job records will appear on the linked customer's record. To learn more about moving files and discover which method best meets your needs, visit the File Management article.

QuickBooks Online Purchase Order Sync

You can now sync your FieldPulse purchase orders with QuickBooks Online! This sync will send purchase order data between QuickBooks Online and FieldPulse. Once initiated, this sync will push newly created and updated purchase orders to QuickBooks Online. Click here to learn more. Reach out to us at or use the chat in the bottom right corner to initiate your purchase order sync!

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