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Setting Up Your Account

Learn how to set up your new FieldPulse account.

Updated over a week ago

Let's begin by setting up the basics of your FieldPulse account. Navigate to Company Settings in the left-side menu. (Note: Only admin users have access.)

Click on  Company Settings


  • Add or edit your company name, contact information, and company logo.

Click on General

User Accounts

Click on User Accounts

Features & Plugins

  • This page allows you to select the features that you'd like to enable for your business. Simply click the Enable button under the features you want to add.

  • We've categorized our features and plugins by color:

    • Blue: The blue icons are included in your base subscription package.

    • Purple: The purple icons are are add-ons to your base subscription package.

    • Our preferred partners and integrations fall below.

  • To learn more about our features and plug-ins, click here.

Click on Features & Plugins


Finally, let’s set up your notification preferences. FieldPulse offers a few different ways to receive reminder and notifications. To set to your preferences, click on the icon on the top right corner of the web app, then click My Settings.

Click on account_circle

Click on My Settings

Video Tutorial

To customize the remainder of your settings, navigate to Company Settings in the FieldPulse WebApp. Visit the 'How To' Articles for further guidance on changing your settings.

Have additional questions?

Contact us at or use the chat feature in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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