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51 articles
Is FieldPulse software, an app, or both?
Can I use FieldPulse on my iPhone, iPad, or Android? Which devices are supported?
My business has a complex team structure. Can we operate in teams?
I don’t have any other employees. Will I benefit from using FieldPulse?
What if I get a new phone or computer?
Can I import invoice items?
Can I export my data?
What data can I import into FieldPulse?
Can I add additional company locations?
How can I make a feature request?
How can I make a technical support request?
What's the difference between a feature request and technical support request?
What devices and browsers are compatible with FieldPulse & Engage?
How can I reset or change a password?
Are my team members notified when I schedule jobs assigned to them?
Is the duration of the job recorded? Can I track how long my jobs last?
Can I add jobs to my own native calendar?
Can I attach notes and files to job records?
Can I send appointment confirmation e-mails or other communications to my customers?
Can FieldPulse tell me the location of my team members?
Can I assign jobs to one or more team members? Will they be notified?
How do I track my time and my employees' time with timesheets?
Can I print my schedule?
How do I manage jobs or projects that span multiple days or weeks?
Can I Import My Jobs?
What information do customer profiles contain?
Can I import my customers?
Can I export my customers from FieldPulse?
Can I manage customers with multiple locations or related customers?
Can I use FieldPulse to communicate with my customers?
Can I store secondary contacts and contact methods for customer profiles?
Can I have residential and commercial customers in FieldPulse?
Can I create custom fields for my customer profiles?
Can I create custom tags for my customers?
Can I use GPS coordinates as addresses?
Can I add my logo to my estimate or invoice?
Can I store common invoice line items and equipment used for invoices for faster invoicing?
Can I import my existing invoice items into FieldPulse?
How do I sync my invoices and payments to QuickBooks?
Can I limit certain team members from seeing invoices and financial information?
Can I attach notes, files, or photos to estimates and invoices? Can they be sent to the customer along with the estimate or invoice?
Can I customize the invoice or estimate PDF? Can I hide line item price, quantity, or tax from the PDF?
Can I attach a contract to an estimate or invoice?
Can I record partial payments or down payments on invoices?
Can I change my estimate/invoice numbering system to start at a specific number?
Can I send estimates/proposals/quotes in addition to invoices?
Can I change the term 'Estimate' to something else?
Can I track profit margins and costs on estimates and invoices?
Can I track employee commissions on invoices?